19 / March / 2017 11:12

Sabalan’s Agate Potentials Untapped

Sabalan’s Agate Potentials Untapped

EghtesadOnline: A mine situated on the outskirts of Mount Sabalan in Ardebil Province holds the largest agate reserve in the world.

News ID: 740449

Sabalan’s agate is famous in the world and can shake the global market once it is properly exploited, SMT Daily reported.

The vast reserves of agate in this mine have opened the doors for making gemstone artworks in Iran.

The agate found in this mine is unique in terms of quality and size in that it is found in massive piles, the largest of which weighs 50 tons, whereas in other parts of the world the largest form found is as big as one’s palm. If Sabalan agate is cut and polished to the size of mosaic tiles, it can be used as miniature painting; hence, Sabalan agate is also called “miniature agate”, according to Financial Tribune.

Sabalan agate is also unique because it comes in a full spectrum of colors.

The exact capacity of this agate reserve cannot be currently determined, as the source of the gem lies deep underground. Currently, 11,000 tons of agate in Sabalan are ready to be extracted, used or exported.

The existence of this reserve can also provide opportunities for creating jobs. Right now 30 people are working in this mine.

Earlier, before the government of President Hassan Rouhani, when sanctions were imposed on Iran, the Chinese tried hard to buy agate from Iran at a very low price but were not successful since Iranian economists believed at the time that it had to be sold at its original price or be exported after enhancing its value added.

Agate has aesthetic value and can be used in making jewelry and many countries with mineral resources have invested heavily in this field.

Iran’s rich mineral resources, including precious and semi-precious stone reserves are world-renowned. The country can greatly benefit from investing in extraction and polishing sectors, as these can help capitalize the real value of the agate reserve in the global markets.

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